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By Frank Chapman Executive Vice President of Medical Construction Davie Construction Co. I have been helping DMVs build their practices for 40 years. During any week, I manage close to two dozen projects across the country. I am contacted daily by veterinarians who want advice about starting their construction projects. My first advice is, “Please,… Read more »

Outgrowing Your Practice?! Call a Specialist!

By Frank Chapman Executive Vice President of Medical Construction Davie Construction Co. The good news is your patient base is expanding. The even better news is that it is time to make a move. While that might seem like an overwhelming project that you hardly have time to contemplate, let alone manage, relax! There are… Read more »

Davie Construction Co. – An Employer of Choice

We 188bet best bookmakerbelieve the growth and the success that we have experienced since our start in 1993 is a result of the hard work, loyalty, and commitment to quality demonstrated by our team. While it is our goal to be the “Builder of Choice” for owners seeking our full range of general contracting services and to… Read more »